Wednesday, 16 January 2008

Strictly showing off!

I've had a tough three days at work this week. Today I got home early (6.30pm) and I am fed up of meetings. Two things happen to me when I have a meeting. Firstly, I get behind with the things that I should be doing and can't cross things off my list. Secondly, from most meetings I get more jobs to do which means that my list gets even longer. I have two meetings tomorrow and another one on Friday. Next week I have a meeting every day after work and a couple during the days as well.

To cheer myself up I have bought tickets to go to Strictly Come Dancing Live. I cannot wait! I booked the tickets about five minutes ago and Ezzie knows nothing about it because he's out and it was a spontaneous decision. We haven't got great seats but at least I'll be there, in the thick of it, looking out for the gorgeous Anton du Beke and the gorgeous Darren Gough. I am having severe withdrawal symptoms at the moment and I don't think I can wait until September when it all starts again. I recorded a lot of the programmes this year as well as the Christmas Special and the Story of Strictly so I am binging (bingeing?) on those at the moment. I think Darren Gough is my most favourite person from it ever and I even forgive him his tattoos. I've actually met Darren Gough. I went to a cricket match ages (probably ten years) ago and he was playing and at the end of the match I got his autograph and I did like him then because he did seem a nice, charming guy, so Darren and I do go back a long way.

I can't wait until Ezzie comes home to tell him. In fact, now I've finished showing off here, I'll phone my Grandma and Mum to do the same.


maramcp said...

Ooh, that sounds wonderful - you deserve such a fabitty fab treat!

Anonymous said...

No prizes for guessing who you will be voting for then? I'm just wondering how it will work. The audience texts to vote, but how do they know who's in the audience and who's voting, do they make a note of your mobile or something? Questions questions. Have a lovely time anyway.