Sunday, 7 October 2007

Missing the boat

I'm in a mood. I feel that I always miss the boat. I found out about Ravelry late so I'm still waiting to be invited. I feel I have more chance of being invited to Buckingham Palace. I've been on other blogs and I want to be involved with 'Secret Pal 11' but I'm so late for that it's untrue. There is so much great stuff going on, yet I always find out about things too late, despite my daily internet trawling.

All day I have been planning my Secret Pal items, even though I'm not even involved. How do I make sure I am involved with Secret Pal 12? When is that going to happen?

If anyone out there knows of something exciting in the pipeline, tell me now! Please.


Caroline M said...

Have you thought that you probably know enough people to have a workeable secret Sheffield pal swap?

maramcp said...

Good idea, Caroline!
I am still waiting for my Ravelry invite (2000 people still in front of me) and counting...

Anonymous said...

When does it start? This is me, being inpatient here.....

Anonymous said...

I have had a PM, bringing me down a peg or two regarding my input to your secret pal post.

Emmajane, please don't take my demands as red. I'm only having a laugh. Sorry if I have offended.



Will you please clear your pm box, thanks