Friday, 21 September 2007

Answers on a blog please

I need help from the knitting community. Caroline has written in the comments that if the heel turns the sock by 90 degrees, then it is a heel. Look at this picture. Does it look like I have turned the sock by 90 degrees? In my opinion, I have. But I need reassurance. It's a long time since I used a protactor and haven't got one in the house. Please leave a comment because I can't knit further until I know.


Anonymous said...

Ask me one on the 3 degrees and I might be able to help you! ;-)

Caroline M said...

It's a perfectly good heel you have there. Go look on my blog for today and the first photo has a sock with the same heel only in black.

Just because it doesn't have a heel flap doesn't mean that it isn't a heel..

McKnitty said...

Thanks for getting back to me ladies, and so quickly.

Caroline - I've had a look at your black socks in closer detail and point taken. New mantra "a heel doesn't have to have a heel flap". I'll repeat it during my knitting tonight.

Wheezy - The Three Degrees - really!

Apple Tree Bakery said...

I'm very impressed with the sock! You will have to teach me the secret as toe ups scare me something silly!!

Badger said...

When I saw it yesterday it looked pretty much like a heel to me :)

maramcp said...

It looks good to me, but then I am not as experienced in the sock knitting department as Caroline, Badger and Wheezy! Bring it to the Wool Baa tonight?

Anonymous said...

Read it and weep jillybabe..... I get a mention along side the greats. Ha ha ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaaaaa