Sunday, 5 August 2007

Ta - dah!

Well, what do you think?

These may look rather dishevelled, but these are unique, one-off, inimitable skeins that I dyed yesterday. The dyeing isn't great throughout; I missed patches and so there are bits of the camel colour coming through. However, I think they are a good first attempt and I am looking forward to knitting socks with them.
I learned a lot from doing this yesterday:
i. Always use rubber gloves. On the second skein I didn't bother and I now have lovely ruby red hands.
ii. Buy colours in bulk. One sachet isn't enough for the vibrancy I wanted.
iii. Have a plan. I just shoved dye here, there and everywhere and have ended up with rather random skeins. Next time (and yes, there will be a next time...) I will give it greater prior thought.
Just changing the subject, but today I went to a pet shop and saw some hermit crabs for sale. I 'phoned my mum and she (unsurprisingly) would love some. I am going to buy her some when I come back from my holidays. We are going to get her four. Two already have names - Morecambe and Wise. She is busy thinking up names for the next two. They are fantastic. I've only ever seen them on David Attenborough programmes previously, I didn't realise you could keep them as pets. They are really comical. I wouldn't mind some myself, but Ezzie wouldn't even entertain the idea. I'm tempted to go and get them for her tomorrow and drive over to Bradford, but I'm supposed to be going to work tomorrow and I don't want to leave all my jobs too late. I think we will both have to have patience.


Caroline M said...

Good for you, there's nothing like knitting with your own yarn. Is it dry yet, or rather is it dry "enough" to knit with?

Apple Tree Bakery said...

I did warn you about the rubber gloves!!!

McKnitty said...

They are dry and no doubt will be made into socks shortly.

Dainty, you're quite right, you did warn me. But there's nothing like learning from your own mistakes. That will teach me to take on KoolAid; it's potent stuff!

Unknown said...

I think it looks fab! Can't wait to see how it knits up. Hope you are taking it away with you so you can make progress!